Vantage Point |
The Detail |
The Frame |
Time |
The Thing Itself |
The reading "The Photographer's Eye" discussing 5 key elements to keep in mind while photographing. Through these five photograph examples, I illustrate these 5 elements.
The photograph of the letter blocks reading "focus" is what I have chosen for "The Thing Itself." To me, photography is a powerful tool because it allows us to create our own photograph, the way that we see the world and what we find interesting. This illustrates the thing itself because I composed my own photograph that I found interesting and worth using.
The photograph with the dumpster and the cat illustrates "The Detail." In the reading, the author describes the detail as the power to clearly capture a moment in time with no question of authenticity. This creates a sense of reality, and really allows a story to be told. The dumpster reads "god loves ugly" in graffiti. This photo captures an ugly side of things, which is why I chose it to be the detail.
The photograph with the tree and very green moss illustrates "The Frame." I chose this to best illustrate framing because of the symmetry of the photo. For me, I really enjoy when photos are symmetrical; it gives a sense of satisfaction. The author of "The Photographer's Eye" repeats several times in one way or another that photography gave artists power. The frame is one way that photography gives power to the artist, by choosing what the frame should be.
The photograph of the cat near the window illustrates the key element of "Time." There are many ways this photograph illustrates time. First of all, animals can be difficult to photograph because it is impossible to control their movements. The way that the light is shining through the window illustrates the time of day/sun placement.
Finally, the photograph that looks from the ground up at the telephone pole and the sign with an arrow illustrates "Vantage Point." This one is much more obvious than the others. The vantage point allows photographers to show a view that possibly hasn't been seen or thought of before. It allows for a different outlook on a certain scene, to see something in a way you never thought of before.